Passengers who don't speak English will have no problem at Miami Tour Company. Our award-winning, pre-recorded audio tours: Miami To The Max! and the Everglades Eco Adventure have been professionally translated in 7 languages.
English speaking passengers do not need headphone - the audio tour and music are broadcast from a high performance sound system in the bus.
Headphones are provided to passengers who wish to hear the tour in another language. For a more personal experience, you may bring your own headphones.
The Most Advanced Multilingual Tour System in the World
Although the drivers and guides speak English and Spanish, we have invested in the most advanced tour technology available, which allows our multilingual passengers to enjoy a truly entertaining experience.With the help of 9 orbiting satellites, the GPS-guided system triggers our pre-recorded tour precisely at the right place. Along the route, the tour commentary is preceded by flashing seat-back controllers that prompt you.
The controllers also allow you to adjust the volume. This means every story is told beautifully. And you'll be amazed by the digital sound quality.
And if that's not enough, Miami Tour Company also gives each passenger a tour map that has instructions and information about each stop in their preferred language.
Available languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Mandarin.
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