The Miami Tour Company Team is our strongest asset. We've worked hard to assemble a group of professional and friendly tour guides whose skills are complementary. The members have diverse backgrounds, but we share a common passion for service. We believe that the only constant in being a good tour guide is change, so we're dedicated and constantly searching for ways to become better at what we do.

Michelle Moore (Callsign - Matrix)
Michelle Moore is dedicated to provide you with a smart and hassle-free tour. She loves Miami and encourages visitors to dive deep into the city and become "temporary locals" when they're on vacation. She also loves being a Vacation Planner, making people happy. There is nothing that pleases her more than reading positive feedback from her guests. To translate your thoughts into action, she meets with her guides every day to update each tour itinerary so it's the best it can possibly be. While other tour companies resist change, Michelle thrives on it! She wins the "Most Organized" award for keeping us all on schedule and rarely making a mistake. Her favorite food is chocolate. When Michelle isn't doing hot yoga, cooking a delicious meal, and planning tours, she lives in Miami with her husband, Gus, their daughter, Jovianne, and six adorable cats: Alejandro, Annabelle, Toon, Tiger, Fluffy, and Diego. Watch her interview

Gus Moore (Callsign - Owl)
Hi! my name is Gus Moore and I am the head tour guide at Miami Tour Company. You can usually find me in the office, answering the phone, or at the yard tinkering with the tour buses, but I love giving private tours on my days off! I'm also in charge of the website and the technology in the vehicles, so I was given the "Biggest Geek" award by the team. I was raised in San Diego, California. I came to Miami on vacation in 2000, but decided to stay when I met my beautiful wife, Michelle (as you can see by her picture below, saying goodbye to Cali was a no brainer). My favorite food is avocado on sourdough toast, and I am known to season my food with a lot of pepper. When I am not at Miami Tour Company, you can find me answering questions at our travel site, Miami Beach 411. My dream is to create a wonderful tour experience for you that you'll remember for the rest of your life. I hope you can join us!

Jim Moore (Callsign - Pops)
Jim Moore is a certified Florida Heritage Tour Guide. Jim's love of Miami history and storytelling wins him the, "Most Likely to Write a Book", award for his tremendous amount of knowledge about the area. His enthusiasm for travel was kindled in the Army by a year of duty in Germany, followed by a year in Vietnam. Since then, Jim has traveled extensively in the United States, and resided in California and Michigan. The opportunity to impart his love of Miami to others, through guiding and speaking, provides him a great deal of personal fulfillment and pleasure. We should also mention, Jim is Gus's father and he takes pride in sharing the "family operated" tour company experience with his guests. His favorite food is a homemade steak burrito. When Jim is not guiding tours, he enjoys watching football and gangster movies. He dreams of winning the World Series of Poker, and is not far from reaching his goal, having taken down a fair share of big tournaments.

Eddie Torres (Callsign - Shakespeare)
Eddie Torres guides the Everglades Adventure tour and speaks English and Spanish. He was born in Puerto Rico, where he lived until he was 27. Eddie moved to Miami in 1979. Before joining Miami Tour Company, Eddie served in the United States Army and was stationed in Ft. Knox, KY. He loves to travel and has visited New York, Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, El Paso, Houston, and Washington, D.C., Mexico, Peru, and Honduras. On sunny days, he likes to ride his vintage motorcycle to work. Eddie wins the "Most Stylish" award for being the best dressed and never losing his cool. His favorite food is steak and seafood. When he's not guiding Everglades tours, Eddie enjoys spending time with his wife and children, one of which is a college honor student and the other is a Miami police officer. He's excited about living a healthy life, and dreams of walking his youngest daughter down the aisle one day.

Jorge Torres (Callsign - Shorty)
Jorge Torres is one of Miami Tour Company's most knowledgeable tour guides -- with 15 years of experience leading tours -- he weaves his passion for Miami into every tour he leads. Jorge wins the "Biggest Brain" award for his technical genius. Whenever there is a mechanical issue on a tour bus, Jorge is the one Michelle calls to fix it. He speaks English and Spanish. Jorge is also a talented photographer and his photographs have been featured in the Miami Herald. His favorite food is Peruvian-style ceviche. Jorge has a big family, and when he's not guiding tours, you can usually find him doing repairs and maintenance on one of their cars. He also enjoys going on the Critical Mass bike ride with his family and friends. He dreams of being able to visit a free, democratic Cuba, and while he's there, eating some Cuban-style ceviche on the beach.

Jeffrey Lieberman (Callsign - Diesel)
Jeffrey Lieberman was born and raised in Miami Beach and he knows the backstreets streets and coastal waters like the back of his hand. An avid fisherman, the only thing he loves doing more than being a tour guide is boating and fishing. The tropical waters around the Bahamas are his favorite place to fish. Jeffrey wins the "Nicest Person" award for his optimistic attitude about life. If you had to choose a person to drive cross country with, Jeffery would be the guy; he is so easy to get along with. As a matter of fact, Jeffrey has led hundreds of tour groups on cross country road trips in the United States. His favorite food is Chinese; he doesn't have a favorite dish, but enjoys a variety of Chinese cuisine. When Jeffrey is not guiding tours, he enjoys communing with nature, because of the piece of mind it brings. He dreams of traveling the world and meeting new people.

Jose Portuondo (Callsign - Darwin)
Jose Portuondo is a talented artist and a wonderful tour guide. Before joining Miami Tour Company, Jose guided the Shark Valley Tram Tour at Everglades National Park. He has a tremendous knowledge of Everglades wildlife and the ecosystem. Jose was born in Cuba and has lived in California, Minnesota, and Costa Rica. He loves meeting people and is a most intriguing person to get to know. Jose is also an incredible painter. You can see some of his artwork at It is because of his talent with a paint brush, Jose, wins the "Most Artistic" award. When Jose is not outdoors watching birds, or indoors watching his favorite football team, the Minnesota Vikings, you can find him kayaking through the Coral Gables waterways. He loves Miami, but plans one day on retiring to the Costa Rica Cloud Forest Reserve, where he can continue his flora and fauna research..

Mirna Arce (Callsign - Boxer)
Mirna Arce was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She moved to Miami in 2001 and has been associated with Miami Tour Company since its early days in a variety of capacities. She currently focuses her attention as a Vacation Planner for English and Spanish guests. Mirna wins the "Most Creative" award for writing the popular Spanish blog, where she shares tips on saving money. Mirna's favorite food is her homemade lasagna, prepared well done and crispy around the edges. When she's not planning tours, Mirna enjoys visiting new places, and fondly remembers her 2 years living in Key West with her son. She dreams of traveling to exotic islands in the Caribbean, but says you won't find her lounging around. She wants to go jet skiing and SCUBA diving for sunken treasure

Dylan O'Connor (Callsign - Python)
Dylan O'Connor is a life-long resident of Miami and, not surprisingly, a typical South Florida outdoor adventure lover. Dylan wins the "Biggest Heart" award for his love of animals and being the proud father of a greyhound dog that he adopted from the track. He speaks English and Spanish. Before joining Miami Tour Company as a Vacation Planner, Dylan served in the Navy and trained with the SEALs, making it through "Hell Week," but was forced to stop training due to an injury sustained during an auto accident. But the injury did not slow him down. When Dylan is not planning tours, he enjoys snowboarding, shooting his crossbow, watching "Doomsday Preppers" TV show, and prepping himself for an all out zombie invasion. He dreams of surviving the invasion with his beautiful girlfriend atop a mountain ski resort. When we asked Dylan why a Florida boy would want to hideout in the snow, he told us zombies lack the coordination to walk on ice.

Jessica Slater (Callsign - Roxy)
As a community manager, Jessica Slater is in charge of our social media. She keeps our followers updated on what's happening in the company and connects with people in the community. Jess is also a travel-planning expert. When she's not writing travel articles and moderating the Miami Beach 411 Forum, you'll find her at Trip Advisor answering questions. Jess's travel knowledge, and expertise finding great deals, wins her the "Most Likely to Star on the Travel Channel" award for her insight in making the most on vacation. She was born and raised in London. Since moving to Miami in 2008, Jess has developed an avid interest in Florida, especially Key West. Before joining Miami Tour Company, she worked on cruise ships as a professional dancer, and was lucky enough to travel all over the world. Jess recently learned she's allergic to gluten, so her favorite food has changed. Before it was pizza, but now it's gluten-free cupcakes. When she is not helping people plan their vacation, she enjoys yoga, kayaking, and stand up paddle boarding. She used to dream about moving to America, and she is so happy her dream came true.
We'd love to talk with you about your vacation to make sure We are working as hard as possible to make it a memorable trip. Don't hesitate to contact us before you arrive, or chat with us on the tour about any questions.