Your Passenger Rights

Miami Tour Company is dedicated to the comfort and care of our passengers. To fulfill this commitment, we have adopted the following set of passenger rights:

  • The right to cancel a tour and receive a full refund, with 48 hours notice.
  • The right to a full refund due to a flight that is canceled because of tropical or winter storms.
  • The right to a partial refund for a tour that is terminated early due to mechanical failure.
  • The right to a backup vehicle in the case of a mechanical failure.
  • The right to timely information updates as to any adjustments in the tour itinerary.
  • The right to a knowledgeable and friendly tour guide that is properly trained.
  • The right to a phone number that can be used for questions or information concerning any aspect of tour operations.

For more information about your rights, call (305) 260-6855.

Get your FREE travel planning session

Are you planning a trip to Miami? Contact us and we will discuss your travel goals, suggest ways to save money, and offer tips on how to avoid some of the common mistakes. (Others charge up to $100 for this.)

What people say about us

Marco Rubio, United States Senator, speaking about Miami Tour Company.
"An outstanding example of Florida hospitality."

Planning is easy with these FREE resources

  • Group dining options
  • Miami hotels cheat sheet
  • Travel itinerary template
  • Plus charter rates, travel tips, best attractions, and more

Clients and reviews

  • Royal Caribbean
  • Microsoft
  • Expedia
  • Budget
  • Avis
  • Revlon
  • Airbnb